Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences

I can't believe it's already time for Parent-Teacher Conferences again, time seems to be flying by! To schedule an appointment-- use the Online Scheduler which can be found on our schools website: --then select the Online Scheduler icon/link.
Choose "Elk Meadows Elementary" from the drop down list and click "go".
Enter our school's password: "Falcons"
Enter your student's "Student ID". If you do not know the Student ID, use the LOOK UP STUDENT ID button to access the system.
Verify the student's birth date
Check the box next to the name of the teacher you would like to meet with.
You will then see the available time slots for the teacher you selected.
Select times that work best for your schedule.
Enter your email address if you would like and email reminder sent to you.
When you have finished, you can confirm your appointment details and print your conference schedule.

If you are having trouble signing up for an appointment, or none of the selected times will work for you--please feel free to call or email me and we can set up another time to meet.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


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