Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Halloween Party!

Our class Halloween Party will take place on Monday October 31st @ 12:30-1:55pm!
The Elk Meadows Costume Parade will immediately follow @ 2:00pm!

We would love to have your help with the party. We need monetary donations to cover the cost of treats and games. We could also use drinks (pop, apple juice, etc), candy corn, and candy prizes. Please send your donations with your child by Friday, October 28th.

We would also LOVE to have you join us for the party--even if you cannot help donate! Please let us know if you might be able to come.

Thanks so much for your willingness to help!An orange 1/3 sheet sized note went home with your students on Monday--please see that note for contact information for Mrs. Davis!

Thank you again!!

Mrs. Davis (Room Mom) & Mrs. Wilson

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